Premium Results and Roundup - July 2018

1st - 31st July 2018

Below are the monthly results, profit levels, win percentages, and return on investment (ROI) for July 2018 (Updated daily).

Premium Singles:
Tips = 12
Wins = 7 (70.0%)
Losses = 3 (30.0%)
Voids = 2
Monthly Profit = £13.70
Amount staked = £120 (12x£10)
Return on investment (ROI) = 11.4%

The Premium Singles selections and results can be seen at the following link:
- July 2018 single selections and results

Premium Doubles:
Tips = 23
Wins = 18 (78.3%) (2x partial)
Losses = 5 (21.7%)
Voids = 0
Monthly Profit = £52.80
Amount staked = £230 (23x£10)
Return on investment (ROI) = 23.0%

The Premium Doubles selections and results can be seen at the following link:
- July 2018 double selections and results

Combined Results:
Tips = 35
Wins = 25 (75.8%) (2x partial)
Losses = 8 (24.2%)
Voids = 2
Total Monthly Profit = £66.50
Total amount staked = £350 (35x£10)
Total Return on investment (ROI) = 19.0%

Accumulator wins:
1st July - 5/1 5fold Acca Win (£20 returned around £55 due to two selections being 'void') Selection details...
8th July - 5/1 Treble Win (£20 returned around £60 due to one selection being 'void') Selection details...
20th July - 5/1 5fold Acca Win (£20 returned around £80 due to one selection being 'void') Selection details...
21st July - 5/1 5fold Acca Win (£20 returned £120) Selection details...
22nd July - 5/1 5fold Acca Win (£20 returned £120) Selection details...
29th July - 5/1 5fold Acca Win (£20 returned around £70 due to one selection being 'void') Selection details...

To be written at the end of the month.
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